Thursday, April 21, 2011

SURVIVING INJURIES... The Nature of Being a World Class Athlete

Perhaps my greatest battle as an athlete has been surviving injuries.  As long as I am a professional athlete, and any athlete is for that matter, this battle will continue.  It goes with the territory.  Especially in an event like the High Jump which requires maximal power and speed for each bout… It is a fine line I and most athletes walk…

I have been competing professionally for 10 years and usually at this point athletes may suffer from overuse injuries.  Fortunately, I do not know this language of injuries.  What I am quite familiar with is “random” injuries.  And when I say random, I do mean RANDOM.  For example, 3 days before the women’s high jump at the 2008 Olympic Games I tore all the ligaments in my jumping foot. 
Whether it is being hit with West Nile or having a Messiah Coach distract my workout, I have become quite familiar with the Emergency Room.  So, the other day when I was asked what I needed most to be successful between now and London 2012, I answered unequivocally “to stay healthy.”
I thought I’d take this Thursday to reflect on my survival in the sport of jumping over a bar…. And I’m certain my stories are not much different from the typical athlete…  I’ve seen injuries end too many athletes’ careers, that every time I pick myself up from an injury I am grateful!
Being an athlete is literally about being physically and mentally tough and being resilient to injuries….  Survival of the FITTEST!
Committed to staying healthy,


jowdwbrown said...

I’ve seen injuries end too many athletes’ careers, that every time I pick myself up from an injury I am grateful!stop shin splints

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